Alice Liu


Assistant Professor of Finance

Martin Tuchman School of Management, The New Jersey Institute of Technology


Ph.D. Finance, Econometrics Minor

Eller College of Management, The University of Arizona

Research Interests

FinTech, Corporate Finance, Labor and Finance, Venture Capital, Mergers and Acquisitions, Innovation, Investment, Derivatives Markets, Machine Learning, Tax Avoidance, Asset Pricing, Stock Market

Professional Certification

Certificate in Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Certificate in Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization

Certificate in Structuring Machine Learning Projects

Certificate in Convolutional Neural Networks

Certificate in Sequence Models

CFA Level II Candidate


Email: or

Address: University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102 USA

Prospective Students (January/2024)

I am recruiting motivated Ph.D. students in the areas of FinTech and  Finance. If you are interested in the Ph.D. program in FinTech and Finance, please send your CV to my email address. Programming skills in STATA, SAS, or Python are strongly preferred. Students without programming skills will also be considered.

I'm currently working on research projects applying machine learning to analyze companies' annual reports, earnings conference calls, patent text, and business news.